1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My abstract pieces: the line is throughout the whole piece all of them are connected. There isn't really a shape used, it's fluffy so not really a shape. The direction, again, is not specific, the lines go horizontal and vertical. Shape, is all over. The fluffy lines are all different shapes, being wide or skinny. The texture seems to be a fluffy kind of texture. Makes it look feathery. In the top picture, bright vibrant colors are used and in the bottom one it's more of a newspaper effect. There is tons of value, there are bright and dark colors in the top one. And with the bottom one its black and white so plenty of value.

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