1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I used shape in this piece a lot, from the random shapes in the back to the main point of view, I started all of these shapes from circles and morphed them into other shapes. Size in here is used by the eye its size in relation to the other shapes is large and the other shapes all have different sizes. so there really is no consistant size that is used in my piece its all random. There is sort of a glossy texture to all of the shapes in the back round and they have sort of a highlighted edge. I gave the eye texture by sort of making it blood shot. There is one shape in the bottom right hand corner that has a texture that is actually the entire piece shrunken down. Inception? I used blues, reds, yellows, oranges, purple for this piece. At first i was using to much purple and the colors didn't really go together well. I fixed this problem and i think the current color scheme looks much better. For value i have a gradation of blue for the back round which actually changes the colors all to go lighter or darker than the one before it.

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