1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Animation Analysis

• What do you believe inspired this animation and how?
• What was the moral/message of the story?
• Describe what you found to be the climax of the story.
• Choosing one seen from the film, describe how the visual style and color choices enhanced the story.


  1. I think some type of ghost horror film inspired this movie because the teleporting doll and doors closing on their own reminds me of insidious.
    I think the moral of the story was don't go into strange places that you don't belong.
    The climax is alma turned into a doll and all of the other dolls in that room were children that did the same thing as her.
    The window looks like a monster with its mouth open as if it eats everyone that goes inside.

  2. -I believe the fear of dolls inspired this film, it is a common fear after all.
    -The moral of the story is don't go trespassing
    -I found the girl being converted into a doll
    -The part with all of the dolls lined up next to each other; it was a childish art style I believe.

  3. I Believe the animation was inspired by the book "Coraline" Because of the unnatural use of dolls in the plot line, and the humanistic characteristics of said dolls

    The moral, and message of the story is not to be greedy, the child Alma wanted the doll so badly, they entered the shop and were transformed into one

    I found the climax of the story to be the exact moment Alma was transformed into the doll.

    In the scene where Alma first looks through her new glass eyes of the doll, the visual style of the fish eye lense really brings out how much time the animators put into the work, not to mention the somber nature of the shop is almost foreshadowing that one should not go in. All the colors are slightly darkened as well throughout the entirety of it, giving a dark feeling.

  4. What in spired this animation i cant say exactly but maybe the Chuckie movies.
    The moral or message is don't touch stuff that isn't yours.
    The climax i think is when she touched the doll.
    The Dark to light contrast of the dolls Gave them a kinda creepy feeling But it made the story that much better to watch.

  5. 1. I believe that creepy dolls inspired the person that made the animation
    2. dont go anywhere where there is creepy dolls that pop out a nowhere
    3. the little boy touched the doll he wanted & he turned into the doll he wanted
    4. it was looked dead like if the little boy was alone , & it looked icy cold cause there was no
    sun hitting the boy & snowy

  6. 1. I believe this animation had inspiration from movies such as Toy Story and Chucky.
    2. The moral of the story is when you see something you like, don't just go after it blindly.
    3. The climax of this story is when Alma touched the doll of her self and transferred her soul into it.
    4. The part where Alma was just inside the shop and was looking at all the dolls gave a feeling of looming evil by having a bright sceneario that seemed too surreal.

  7. Alma
    1. I think a childhood memory or attitude inspired this animation through an experience.
    2. The moral was don't be too curious or you'll get in to trouble.
    3. The climax was right when the girl was about to grab the doll.
    4. The girl was wearing pink which made her look happy and joyful.

  8. 1. I think that the animation was inspired by the long-lived fear of dolls and paranoia that dolls are alive and watching.
    2. Even the most innocent in appearance can have evil motives.
    3. I think the climax was when she was reaching up, about to touch the doll.
    4. The film was CGI animated, which is good for things like dolls that are smooth and pristine. The wintery atmosphere and the empty alleyway make the shop seem natural and inconspicuous. The perfect setting for multiple people to disappear unnoticed.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1.I think that dolls and puppets inspired this animation because they are creepy.
    2.Don't go into places without permission
    3.The climax of the story was she tried opening the door,
    4. When she picked up the little boy, the colors were dark as if a horror part of the film.

  11. 1. I believe the fact that someone was so creeped out by dolls and wanted to make tell the world, "Hey, dolls are creepy", was the inspiration.
    2. The moral/message is that dolls are creepy, shouldn't be trusted, and no one should even own one.
    3. I think the climax of the story was when the little girl went into the store.
    4. That whole seen, when the little girl was in the store, and how it was all darkish enhanced it.

  12. 1.I believe that people should see the animation they would be amaze if they see the animation that people doing the animation that their doing is fun to and their kids will love this animatio.
    2.the moral or message of the story is i don't touched someone else stuff.
    3.What i found of the climax of the story is when she touched the doll.
    4.The visual from the style is it made more creepy, and the snow like it white.

  13. 1) Maybe the person liked dolls. And suspense.
    2) The moral or the message of this story is: don't touch things that aren't yours.
    3) The climax of the story was when the little girl reached out to touch the doll.
    4) The part where the little girl went into the store. The dark red and the darkness of the store. may've set up some red flags. That and the large amount of dolls, that is.

  14. 1. i think what inspired this video is a dark mind.
    2. The morale is don't want what you can't handle or don't want to much.
    3. the climax was when the 3 brothers got what they asked for.
    4. The background and characters where dark.
