1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Leonor Fini: This painting has several different creatures within it.  He uses the body shape of a rooster, but includes the textures and patterns that you would find in a dragon or lizard. He uses a shrimp for the tale.  By adding a human head to the creature, he kind of makes it personal.  The painting makes you think about what Joseph Fini was thinking.

Louise Bourgeois: This painting takes your mind for a trip with the contrasting colors.  The boots on top of the stilts in the water make you wonder what point he was trying to make.  Was he trying to show walking on water? Or, perhaps he could be trying to show garbage or people to stranded in the middle of no where.

Joseph Cornell: This beautiful painting looks like it could take place in two different places: space and the ocean.  The small, white dots look like stars, but the sea looking creatures brings you back to the ocean.  The woman mermaid thing looks completely at peace, even though it is dark and scary looking around her.  The colors help make a point.  Her pink dress just makes her look happier and more at peace.  The dark monsters with the red in their mouth make them look that much more threatening and dangerous.

When: The surrealist movement began in the late 1910’s and 20’s during WWI

Why: The surrealist movement began as literary art and eventually developed into different forms of art.  It was created to unleash the imagination of the mind and express the what ifs of the world.  Many of the ideas came from Sigmun Freud and his thoughts of the subconscious. 

Where:  Many of the first surrealist artists were from Europe.  Some came from America, but many were French.

Surrealism has opened up many people imagination.  It has spread though our literature and televisions.  It’s what makes so many thing intreging to us.  We cant help but wonder what would happen if this happened or that happened.  What if we turned an innocent doll into a murdering creature.  It opens our minds to the endless possibilities.  It’s what made us begin to create things instead of just living with the way things are.

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