1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Copyright and royalty free images! (2 & 3)

What is copyright infringement?
Initially copyright is a legal concept that grants the creator his exclusive rights to his work. It is intended to promote more creationism from others, as well as giving the authors control of the profit from their works. - Now, copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of works under a copyright, it infringes the holders exclusive rights. It is counted as piracy and theft. Sometimes the copyright is confronted with lawsuits in the legal court.

Royalty free images are well... free images! They are free to use and abuse with no copyright! These are better to use than just pictures on the web because other images have copyright and you could get in trouble for using those copyright images, whereas these you won't get in trouble for! Just don't take credit for the original image because then that's just RUDE.

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