1. Wipe keyboards and computer screens

2. Clean room - trash

3. Backup your work to Dropbox.com

4. Turn in final assignment

Goals and Reflections


Write a short statement that describes what you plan to accomplish by the end of the week on your project.


What did you accomplish this week (post your work, inspiration or research)?

What did you learn?

What is your next objective to be completed?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Research and answers

1. Symbolism is a practice or is used in art to represent a abstract idea.

2. Logos are created to advertise a companies products.

3. Symbolism and Logos are different because Symbolism uses words to express somebodies  ideas through words and symbols, logos are used to express somebodies company and there products through pictures. They are the same because they are still expressing what that person or company wants to show off so they can sell their product or make them selves better known.

4. The value of learning how to do a logo design is really good because when u get out on your own and you own a good business you have to make a good logo that will attract peoples attention so that they will buy your products and then your company will become larger.

Taylors Logo Parts One & Two

Logo Design Part 1:
Symbolism:The use of symbols to represent something that you find of importance to your self.
Logo:The outer appearance of a company Or the representation of a company by using a design.

The difference between  logos and symbolic images is logos are made to represent a company and symbolic images are used to represent something that has a special meaning to you.

The value of learning how to design a logo is very important because we may need this in the future and it is easier just to learn it early then try to learn it later.

Logo Design Part 2:The Thor logo represents him because he uses lightning and a hammer to attack.The iron man logo represents him because he is a man who saves the day in a suit of iron with weapons in it. The Captain america logo represents him because he is an army man promoted to captain because the government did some kind of experiment on him.

Marcos Tribal

Tribal Logo

Logos/Symbolism/Concept Map

How Symbolism Works: Symbolism gets a point, idea, or meaning to the viewer through imagery.

How Logos Work: Logos show off an image or picture. Example: Dodge has the logo of the ram, making it look tough and durable making customers want to buy a dodge.

Logos and Symbolism: They are both pictures but they each have a different objective. One has a meaning while the other has a advertisement.

Value Of Logo: The value of learning the process to create a logo is important. Without it the logo skills I've learned, the logo would be unprofessional. Then people will not be interested. So a logo id all about looks and professionalism.

This is cool because of the design they used. Wires that create a coffee cup. Showing you can get wired through the coffee and have energy. Very Cool.
This one is my favorite because the words create  a chameleon. Very unique and creative. This could be a logo used for many different varieties.
Tostitos portrays the company well because the logo has people enjoying chips and the color is bright and enjoyable.